Event finished.

What a fabulous weekend! Thanks to everyone who participated.
Please give us feedback.

Many thanks especially to the numerous volunteers, without whom the q-Phase would not have been possible!

The queer O-Phase in Karlsruhe

This year our queer O-Phase will take place again from November 3rd to 5th 2023.
As a university group, we want to give you the opportunity to experience queer campus life. First-year students as well as students in higher semesters are welcome to join us. Below you find a schedule and short descriptions of the individual events.

We start with a casual get-to-know on Friday at 6 pm in Audimax on the KIT Campus.

Follow us on Instagram or join our chat-server so you don’t miss anything. Questions also gladly sent to vorstand@queerbeet.org.

If you like the q-Phase and our university group, you are welcome to become a member by filling out an application. This way you will get special announcements for member events and you can also participate in them.

Have an exciting and fabulous weekend with us!


6:00 pmGet-to-know

about the “Get-to-know”:

We’re starting the q-phase with an enjoyable gathering where you can meet and talk with other queer students and the members of the university group. We get started in the foyer of Audimax on the KIT campus.


10:30 amScavenger hunt
1:00 pmLunch
2:30 pmCasual program
from 10:00 pmParty at RosaPark

about the scavenger hunt:

We start into the day with an exciting scavenger hunt where you will compete in small groups. Meeting place is in front of the church St. Bernhard at Durlacher Tor.

about lunch:

We are planning to have lunch together at K6 of HaDiKo.

about the “Casual program”:

Here you can get to know the quintessence of our weekly “Kaffeeklatsch”-meeting. However, this special Kaffeeklatsch is going to get a Glow Up. It takes place in the community spaces of Z10.

  • Board games
  • Pub quiz
  • Handicrafting

about the party:

With all who are interrested, we will visity “RosaPark”, a queer party in Karlsruhe. This part can be planned spontaneously and flexibly. Note: this Saturday RosaPark’s motto is “White Night”, where you should wear as much white as possible.


from 11:30 amHike
from 4:00 pmCoffee and cake at PRINZs
6:00 pmqueerbeet choir

about the Hike:

We end the weekend not with a bang but with a relaxed finale. And how could we relaxedly deepen the bonding together better than on a hike? Maybe but just maybe we will come across a rainbow on the way.

It is best to wear weatherproof clothing for the hike and bring something to drink and eat.

about coffee and cake:

We want to spend a casual sunday afternoon at Café PRINZs.

about queerbeet choir:

For the singing enthusiasts among us, there will also be a choir rehearsal for our choir, where everyone can join.